The Big Summary

So after 405 days on the road, our trip is over and we are back in London; adjusting to not living out of a backpack, having a routine and waking up in the same bed every day. The trip was incredible and we loved every minute of it. We really didn’t want it to end….

Africa summary

So, the continent that we secretly weren’t sure we would make it to? It was our favourite of the trip. From safaris to sand dunes through Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, Rwanda and Uganda, here’s the summary of our two and a half months in Africa: Destination highlights: Arriving in Livingstone, Zambia…

Gorillas in the midst of Uganda

We left our packs and walking sticks behind as the guide cut a path through the lush green forest with his razor sharp machete to reach the gorillas. We crossed a flowing river andĀ slipped down a vine-covered hill before coming into a small clearing. Here sat a lone ‘silverback’ male (named after the stripe of…